The Bodgery has a Windows Networking file server (which is accessible on Mac and Linux). The workgroup name is “BODGERY”. For access, contact Timm Murray.
At this time, there is a quota limit of 300MB for each user. There is no backup, so be sure not to leave your only copy of anything important on it.
The fileserver name is “tyrion”. If you're on Mac or Linux (or you can't see the server in Windows), you can connect using “\\\[username]” or “\\\shared” (for the personal and shared space, respectively).
The first path above connects to your personal space, which can only be seen by you and the system administrators for the file server. The second path is shared, and can be seen by all users. This path is also mapped on the computer at the lasercutting station as the Z:\ drive.
Illegal and pornographic content is not allowed on the file server.