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Description of the space

Rules and suggestions that are unique to the space


Material costs

Screens $3/screen (covers photo emulsion and emulsion stripper)
Transparencies/Printer $3/transparency (covers inkjet printing cost and transparency cost)
$1.5/print (covers inkjet printing cost if you bring your own transparency/photo paper)

Tool costs


Screenprinting area requires a checkoff to use the space to ensure safe handling of chemicals and preventing mess in the space. Checkoffs can be arranged by posting on the Slack channel #screenprinting or through taking a screen printing class. Taking a class is the recommended way to get acquainted in screen printing.

Green Tools
  • Heat gun
  • Spatulas
  • Squeegees
  • Scoops
Yellow Tools
  • 4 color printing press
Red Tools

image_link.jpg image_link.jpg
image_link.jpg image_link.jpg

Area Captain(s) - Ginny O'Neil and Eli Wu
General Contact -

area/screenprinting.1682710381.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/04/28 19:33 by eliwu