Table of Contents

The Standing Rules

The Bodgery is a shared workspace and educational environment with many active users. Bodgery members volunteer considerable time for the benefit of all members. Every change to the space has an impact on others. Your behavior has a direct influence on people around you, and an indirect effect on the many other people who use the shop and keep The Bodgery useful, kind, and fun.

These are the policies that we operate under. Guests must also follow these guidelines, even if they are unknown - they will be made aware of any mistakes, and if they refuse to abide by them they will be asked to leave. Members agree to follow these rules at all times upon signing up for membership.

1. General

It is the responsibility of the members to come to amicable agreements of disputes over tools, space or other shop resources.

Leave things better than when you arrived. If you make dust/chips/liquid/etc messes, it’s your responsibility to clean them up. If you change the settings on a tool/machine, return them to the original settings. If you pulled out hand tools to use, return them. If you break or damage something, let the Area Captain know.

This is a shared space, not your personal workshop. When you leave, take anything of yours with you - don’t leave your projects, tools, or materials anywhere outside of your shelf or an official “project parking area” with a permit attached.

Talk to the Area Captain before using their respective area, even if you aren’t using Bodgery tools. Some areas require an area checkoff.

No sleeping / living in the space. Naps are okay.

2. Code of Conduct

Keep interactions civil and respectful, whether in person or by email, Slack or social media:

Any conduct that the Board determines to be offensive will be addressed and acted upon as needed per the Discipline Policy below.

Harassment should be reported to the Board via People wishing to report anonymously are encouraged to use an anonymous remailer like or

3. Safety

Safety is the top responsibility of every member and guest.

3.1 Firearms Policy



3.2 Aerosols (Spray Finishes)

Use of aerosols (spray painting or any other spray finish) indoors is NOT permitted under any circumstances. Spray painting may be done outdoors (away from exits, vents and exhausts) with appropriate precautions to cover the ground with paper or tarp. Any over spray is expected to be cleaned by the member and is subject to disciplinary action if left uncleaned.

3.3 Animals and Pets

For multiple reasons, no animals, except trained service dogs, are allowed at the Bodgery.

4. Guests, Children, Minors

Minors that are 16 or 17 years old may be members. They must have parent/guardian consent. They have all the privileges and requirements of any other member.

Children are considered guests but need extra supervision. See Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.

Any guest must be hosted by a member, whether this is a personal guest or random visitor. If the hosting member needs to leave, they must pass off their responsibility as host to another member, or ask the guest(s) to leave. No member is under obligation to host guests. Any member may host up to ten guests in the space. Two or more members may host an unlimited number of guests. The woodshop area has a limit of one guest per member.

In all cases, the member(s) hosting one or more guests are responsible for:

If any of the following are true, the person is not allowed in the space and must leave:

5. Property

5.1 Bringing Property to The Bodgery

5.2 Handling Abandoned Property at The Bodgery

Because The Bodgery must actively defend itself from clutter and unwanted property, abandoned property is treated as though the owner places no value on it and will not return to claim it. In the interest of the members of The Bodgery and their need for a clean, safe workshop, the Board of Directors will thus use or dispose of the abandoned property however it sees fit. Property is considered abandoned if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

The following may or may not occur, at the discretion of the board and if volunteer time and Bodgery space is available:

Abandoned property will first be offered to area captains and then either donated, recycled or thrown in the trash.

Note: It is wise to label with your name anything personal you bring to and use in the space. Accidents happen and everyone forgets things occasionally. To maintain ownership of your property, please label appropriately, in a way that will not easily wear off or fall off. Items with labels that have fallen or worn off may be disposed of as abandoned property.

5.3 Donated property

5.4 Shared property

6. Storage

6.1 Safe Respectful Storage All property at The Bodgery must be stored in a way that is safe and shows respect for members and guests in the space. Property that meets any of the following criteria will NOT be considered properly stored.

6.2 Member Storage

Each member may use the following in the member storage area(s) with no extra charge:

Additional shelf spots or lockers, as well as other storage options, may be rented using the Bodgery membership website.

Each member must label their shelf/locker with their name and telephone number in case they need to be contacted and in order to know whether it’s available or abandoned. Material without a label on the shelf/locker is considered Abandoned Property (see 5.2). Member property must be stored per Safe Respectful Storage (6.1)

Properly labeled but empty member storage may be reclaimed by the Bodgery Operations Manager or designee for use by other members if it remains empty for four weeks.

6.3 Parking Permits

If a member has a personal project that is difficult to transport back and forth from home and won't fit in their member storage plot, they may fill out a “Parking Permit” (found in a holder in the main project parking area). The project can be stored in a designated shared project parking area for up to 14 days with an option for a 14 day extension. This is to allow for paint/glue drying, time required to acquire sustenance, or taking short breaks between working on it. Space at the Bodgery is a valuable and limited resource, so please be considerate of others and do not store items for extended periods of time.

The stored item must have a completed “Parking Permit” physically attached to it in a visible location. The parking permit must be filled out with the owner's name, contact phone/email and the date the permit expires. When the Parking Permit expires, the member must either extend the permit by updating the expiration date or immediately remove the property from the Bodgery.

Items that have been stored more than 30 days, have expired permits, are not stored safely, not properly labeled or not in an appropriate area are both dangerous and disrespectful and will be considered abandoned (see 5.2).

7. Access

Each member is responsible for maintaining the security of his or her own key fob or card. If you suspect that your key fob or card has been copied, please see the Board or designee about replacing or changing it.

Key fobs or cards may be temporarily entrusted to another person (trustee) for limited purposes, such as picking up or dropping off items or people at the space. Such trustees are not considered members and are not allowed to use tools, host guests, store their personal property at The Bodgery, or exercise other benefits of membership simply for possessing access. Sharing or loaning access outside these limits is grounds for member termination.

8. Finances

8.1 Signatories

Signatory responsibility for the Bodgery’s bank accounts resides in the Board President and Treasurer. Checks and purchase cards for the Bodgery’s financial accounts shall be issued only to the President and Treasurer for their exclusive use, and will be surrendered to the Board or destroyed upon their leaving office.

8.2 Purchase Authority

Purchases and expenditures made on behalf of the Bodgery must be made within the scope defined by the Board. The Treasurer must be notified after purchase with a valid receipt. Expenditures must have approval in the manner of the first qualifying item in this list:

  1. Expenditures that the board finds are necessary to the safety and security of the Bodgery and its members (such as liability insurance premiums, fire suppression equipment, security cameras, etc.) require a majority vote of the Board to be granted approval.
  2. Expenditures more than $1,000 require a majority vote of the Board and a plurality vote (i.e. a majority of the votes cast) of the membership to be granted approval. The board must re-approve the expenditure if it is not made within a year of the initial board approval.
  3. Expenditures made by Area Captains, Machine Captains or their designee, up to the amount in their area balance, do not require prior approval.
  4. Expenditures more than $200 (but not more than $1000) require a majority vote of the Board to be granted approval. The board must re-approve the expenditure if it is not made within a year of the initial approval.
  5. The Board may delegate purchase authority to any member, ad-hoc group of members, or committee. The nature and amount of expenditures, the members to whom the purchase authority is delegated, and the time frame for expenditures must be approved by a majority vote of the board.
  6. Expenditures less than or equal to $200 that are to be made by any member on the Bodgery’s behalf require prior written approval from either the Treasurer or President.

8.3 Reimbursements

Any member requesting reimbursement for a purchase or expenditure should send an email or Slack DM to the Treasurer with their full name, the amount requested, the date of the purchase and an attached copy of the receipt. Reimbursements will be made by PayPal unless other arrangements are made beforehand.

Upon receipt, the Treasurer shall confirm that the purchase was made according to the procedures outlined above. Upon confirmation, the Treasurer shall issue a reimbursement to the requesting member.

8.4 Financial transparency

8.5 Transition process

After election of a new Board, or upon the resignation of the Treasurer or President, the Board shall pass a corporate resolution transferring signatory authority for the Bodgery’s accounts to the new President and Treasurer. This resolution must be signed by all members of the Board.

The outgoing President and/or Treasurer, President-elect, and Treasurer-elect must then take the signed corporate resolution and a copy of the meeting minutes from the meeting at which the resolution was passed to any and all institutions at which the Bodgery maintains accounts in order to complete the transfer of signatory authority.

Until this transition is complete, the outgoing President and Treasurer shall maintain responsibility for financial concerns, but are required to inform the new officers and the Board of all transactions that take place and their outcome.

9. Shop Areas and Purchase Requests

9.1 Shop Areas

Shop area budgets are defined as a monthly allowance of funds taken from the Bodgery’s general available funds to be used towards maintenance, repair, and improvement of a specific area of the shop. The monthly area budget accumulates as an area balance. The money in the area balance may be spent by Area Captains per the Purchase Authority. If the board decides that the available general funds are not sufficient to provide area budgets, then either no distribution will be made or the amount available will be distributed proportionally among the allocated budget amounts.

Area budgets may be created, modified or eliminated by a majority vote of the board. The amount of a budget will be determined by the board’s best judgement, which may include but is not limited to historical repair/maintenance costs, frequency of space utilization, availability of funds, and fairness of distribution.

9.2 Machine Fee Areas

Machines with a machine-specific fee may be administered by a Machine Captain rather than an Area Captain. Because Machine Captains have purchase authority, they must be approved by the board or the corresponding Area Captain, if any.

9.3 Purchase Requests

Assigned Agents (including but not limited to Board Members and Area Captains) may make purchases or bring requests for purchases to the board.

Members with purchase requests/suggestions should first bring the topic to the appropriate Area Captain(s), or Assigned Agent(s) if it doesn’t fall under a shop area’s purview.

If members disagree with their Area Captain(s) or Assigned Agent(s) regarding the necessity of a requested purchase, they may bring the request directly to the board during the ‘member comments’ section. In addition to the above purchasing guidelines, the Board will consider the request on the additional guidelines of sufficient member support, and should seek input from the Area Captain(s) or Assigned Agents(s) as to why they initially declined to pursue the purchase.

10. Discipline Policy

The board may terminate membership immediately if a member:

If a member violates a Bodgery rule, including the Bodgery’s first rule (“Don’t be a jerk”), and the board believes the event rises to the level of a serious infraction, the “Three Strikes” process can be initiated or continued.

Strike 1:

A board member should communicate with the member about what happened to get their side of the story. Ideally, this happens in person, but it may also happen over the phone, by video chat, or as a last resort by email or Slack DM. The conversation is relayed back to the full board, who then vote on whether to issue a Strike 1. If a strike is issued, it should be documented in a Google doc on the board-only section of the shared drive, and the member notified of the decision.

Strike 2:

After Strike 1, and upon the occurrence of another event that the Board determines could warrant a strike, the member can be provided the option of pursuing either:

Strike 3:

If a third event occurs, a board member would reach out to the member, get their side of the story, and relay that back to the full board. The board then votes. A Strike 3 vote passing results in member termination and also gets documented and communicated to the member.

Strikes expiring:

If a membership is terminated, the member should have 72 hours to collect their personal items if doing so does not endanger people or property. No refund of unused membership dues will be refunded, except by vote of the board. Terminated members deemed a threat to members and/or guests may have identifying information posted (e.g. a photo, description, name), to aid members in identifying the person no longer welcome on the property. Any member that encounters a terminated member should report it to the Bodgery board immediately. The board reserves the right to refer persons to law enforcement. Member termination is permanent unless the board votes for a time limit or votes at a later time to readmit the person.

All board votes in this process require a simple majority to pass.

11. Rules for Leadership

Board of Directors

Area Captains

12. Accidental Damage

The Bodgery is meant to be a learning environment. Mistakes happen and they shouldn’t be financially devastating.

For accidents causing damage to Bodgery equipment or property, the person or persons responsible shall be liable for $100 or 5% of the cost of the damages, whichever is greater. General funds pay for any difference.

For accident-prone members (an excess of 2 or 3 property damaging accidents, and for egregious intent), the board may decide what the responsible members are liable for outside of this guideline.

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These policies have been approved by The Bodgery Board of Directors.

These policies may be modified by The Bodgery Board at any time through due process.