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HomeBrew CNC Router
The MKE HomeBrew CNC Router was given a home at The Bodgery in 2015. The Bodgery acquired a TinyG controller board for it, and the HomeBrew CNC was upgraded to use this USB based controller. It has taken a team of MadCityMakers to get it operational, and we are still working on ironing out all of the wrinkles as of late March 2016.
- Chris Kaufmann
- Alex Kovell
- Tony Roman
Custom built by Ron Bean and Tom Gondek at Milwaukee Makerspace Brought back to life by a team of MadCityMakers including Chris Kaufmann, Alex Kovell and Tony Roman.
Chilipeppr software requires program in G-Code format, though direct import of SVG files is currently (March 2016) in testing.
Use Easel from Inventables for simple 2D and 2.5D milling. Tutorial to be added here.
For full 3D profile milling, Autodesk FUSION 360 is suggested, as it is a CAD and CAM software package which is available to makers on an annual basis free of charge.
The size of work area is: 24“ x 32.5”
(1) DEWALT DWP611 1.25 HP Max Torque Variable Speed Compact Router with LED 1/4“ Collet, 1/8” adapter available
(2) Oriental Motor Co. VEXTA C6244-9212K stepper motors (X,Y axes)
5.7V, 1.6A, 1.8 degrees/step, current limited - running 24v
(1) ALM 90130-25-SPA stepper motor (Z-axis)
5.7V, 1.6A, 1.8 degrees/step, current limited - running 24v
(2) Microtel SP-150-24IER power supplies
150 watt, 115vAC/1ph/60Hz 2.5 amp input, 24VDC 6.3 amp output
1/8“ Shaft Drillbits Unlimited has a number of affordable 1/8” shaft size endmills. These are perfect for simple 2D cutting jobs. For general purpose use, the Breaker Router Bits work well.
1/4“ Shaft Kodiak endmills are available on Amazon at a reasonable price, and have been tested and work well on the machine.
Current Status
Marginally functional. Overheating issue with X-Axis stepper motor.
Current: The Bodgery, Madison, WI Previous: MKE Makerspace
On lend from
Ron Bean, Tom Gondek - MKE MakerSpace
? 2015 - Arrived at The Bodgery October 2015 - Setup work begun March 2016 - X-Axis failure
Machine has promise, but will require some additional upgrades before it is ready for full use and training as of 3/25/2016