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Our History

In late 2012, John Eich and Karen Corbeill were separately working on creating more opportunities for makers in Madison. Trent Miller from the public library's Bubbler Program connected them, and the rest, as they say, is Creational Mythos.

In early 2013, they created MadCity Makers, a social club for makers that met in public libraries and coffee shops. They taught a summer series of workshops at libraries, from Cigar Box Guitars and Little Free Libraries to Spin Art and Blinky Bugs. They hosted a welding workshop out of John's garage. Arduino and Raspberry Pi's were explored, knitting and crochet circles were held, and a MeetUp Group was founded.

After a time, it felt like the group needed a space to call our own, to share tools and host activities that libraries aren't set up to handle. Like, um, Firenados. Soldering and welding. Hack and Tells.

So we begged our friends to join a board, filed paperwork to incorporate, and began looking at spaces around town. We put out a public call to discuss it, and Kim Roberts of Evolution Arts Collective came and offered EAC's warehouse as a 'convertible space'. The board voted yes and we started moving tools in late May. We opened our doors on June 1st, 2014 and four of us pledged membership dues! We've been growing and adding members ever since…

history.1407039991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 16:01 (external edit)