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Membership at The Bodgery is $50/month. The benefits of membership include:
- A keyfob for 24/7 entry
- Storage space
- Access to all tools, including member-only tools
- The ability to host your guests here
- Discounts on workshop fees
- Voting rights in makerspace decisions
In addition to the regular $50/month rate, some discounted rates have been created:
- Senior membership (65+ years) = $25/month
- Student (Full-time) = $25/month
- Must be an actively enrolled full-time student.
- Must provide at orientation (or before) a list of classes showing full time status with a minimum of 12 credit hours from the most recent semester.
- Family membership = $25/month
- A family membership must be paid using the same payment account as the Bodgery member who has a non-family membership.
- Family memberships are limited to spouses, domestic partners and dependents as defined by the IRS for federal income tax purposes.
- The family membership must be set up as a separate account in the online membership system – it's not a shared account or an add-on to an existing account.
- Supported membership (financial hardship) = $25/month
- Must meet one of the following:
- QUEST Food Share Program (SNAP)
- Medicaid (BadgerCare/Senior Care)
- Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Section 8 Housing Assistance/Community Development Authority (HUD)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Free or Reduced School Lunch and Breakfast Program
- Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program
- Wisconsin Works
- Heat for Heroes
- Early Head Start/Head Start
- Board approval
- Email to review eligibility and get it set up.
membership_rates.1705335503.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/15 16:18 by mpickhard