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The Standing Rules

These are the policies that we operate under. Guests must follow by these guidelines, even if they are unknown - they will be made aware of any mistakes, and if they refuse to abide by them they will be asked to leave. Members agree to follow these rules at all times upon signing the Membership Form. These policies may be modified by the Board at any point through due process.

1. General

It is the responsibility of the members to come to amicable agreements of disputes over tools, space or other shop resources.

No sleeping / living in the space. (Naps are okay.)

Members must be at least 18 years of age.

2. Code of Conduct

In order to keep things civil and respectful, the Board of Directors has adopted the following guidelines for discussions on the message boards and other social media:

  • Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Keep criticism constructive.
  • Please refrain from name-calling or derogatory statements.
  • The group has no tolerance for discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation or religion.
  • Nor do we tolerate behavior considered as harassment:
    • Harassment includes offensive verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, unwanted photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • People asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
  • Any conduct that the Board determines to be offensive will be addressed and acted upon as needed.
    • On a first offense, the Board will issue a warning.
    • Subsequent offenses may be cause for further disciplinary action per the By-Laws.

3. Safety

Safety is the top responsibility of every member and guest.

  • All members and guests are required to use appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • It is the the responsibility of every member and guest to understand the safe use of any tool or equipment before using it.
  • However, [Red-tag] tools are for member-use only, and require a class or personal instruction by the Area Captain before use. [Yellow-tag] tools require a checkout from Area Captain before use.
  • Members or guests in an affected work area should be made aware of safety rules if they are not following them (a request to put on safety equipment or relocate to avoid breathing fumes, etc).
  • Members must not allow unsafe practices by any guest or other member - it is their responsibility to speak up.

4. Guests

Any guest must be hosted by a member, whether this is a personal guest or random visitor. If the hosting member needs to leave, they must pass off their responsibility as host to another member, or ask the guest(s) to leave. No member is under obligation to host guests. Any member may host up to ten guests in the space. Two or more members may host an unlimited number of guests.

In all cases, the member(s) hosting one or more guests are responsible for:

  • Verifying that each guest has a signed waiver on file as they enter
  • Verifying that each guest has signed in
  • Making sure guests understand the guidelines under which we operate
  • Cleaning up after guests if they fail to do it themselves

If any of the following are true, the person is not allowed in the space and must leave:

  • The person is a minor and a parent/guardian of the guest has not filled out the Young Guest Waiver on his or her behalf
  • A member or guest behaving inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate.

5. Property

5.1 Bringing Property to The Bodgery

  • Do not leave any property at the Bodgery that does not fit on your storage shelf.
    • Unless you request a “parking permit” from the board. (See 5.3)
  • If you want to donate/lend tools to the Bodgery, you must get prior approval from the board. (See 5.4 and 5.5)
  • Any property in The Bodgery not in member storage or tagged with a valid parking permit will be considered abandoned, and the Board of Directors reserves the right to dispense with said property in whatever manner they see fit. (See 5.2)

5.2 Handling Abandoned Property at The Bodgery Because The Bodgery must actively defend itself from clutter and unwanted property, abandoned property is treated as though the owner places no value on it and will not return to claim it. In the interest of the members of The Bodgery and their need for a clean, safe workshop, the Board of Directors will thus use or dispose of the abandoned property however it sees fit. Property is considered abandoned if it meets at least one of the following criteria: * The property was never approved by the Board of Directors when this approval was required (see 5.1) * The property is neither shared nor donated, violates the safe storage rules, has no attached Parking Permit, and has an attached Parking Ticket with an expired grace period * The property is in member storage and is either stored unsafely or exceeds the owning member’s plot * The property is owned by a former member and has not been collected within thirty days of that person’s departure from The Bodgery

5.3 Parking Tickets Any member of The Bodgery can attach a Parking Ticket to property he or she suspects is abandoned (see 5.2.2). The member affixing the Parking Ticket (the “finder”) must undertake a goodwill effort to contact the owner of the property by sending an email with:

  • In the subject line, put the words “ABANDONED PROPERTY PARKING TICKET”
  • In the message, describe the property and where it was found
  • In the message, mention the ticket and when it was attached
  • Send the message to

Immediately after the message is sent, a seven day grace period begins. If the owner has not stored the property correctly by 12:00 AM of the morning after the grace period expires, the property will be considered abandoned and disposed of accordingly (see 5.2.1).

5.4 Donated property Definition: The property is brought to The Bodgery by a member or guest who wants The Bodgery to become the new owner of the property. Process: Contact the Board and receive approval (PRIOR to bringing it).

5.5 Shared property

Definition: The property is brought to The Bodgery by a member (not a guest) who wants to share its usage, but not ownership of the property. The member retains ownership of the property. Process: Contact the Board and receive approval (PRIOR to bringing it). Ensure item has been documented on the Lender Log. Members removing their personally-owned shared property from The Bodgery are highly encouraged to notify the member mailing list that the property is being removed. This is both a courtesy to others and a safeguard against apparent theft.

6. Storage

6.1 Safe Storage All property at The Bodgery must be stored in a way that is safe and shows respect for members and guests in the space. Property that meets any of the following criteria will not be considered safely stored.

  • Property left on a work surface after the member or guest using it cannot be found and is presumed to have left
  • Property left on the floor, especially when it creates a trip hazard and/or obstructs a door or walkway
  • Property on a member storage shelf that protrudes more than 4”
  • Property on any shelf that protrudes more than 4”
  • Property left leaning against a wall, beam, or storage area
  • Property piled in front of a storage area

6.2 Member Storage

Each member is entitled to one “plot” in member storage, which is a defined, limited space for keeping his or her private property.

Each member must keep their private property in only one plot and not exceed the physical dimensions of that plot. The only exception is for approved oversized property.

Member property that is not stored safely or does not fit in the member’s plot is both dangerous and disrespectful and is considered abandoned (see 5.2.2).

6.3 Parking Permits

Once the Board of Directors approves a piece of property for storage outside “Member Storage” at The Bodgery, the member owning the property must attach to it a completed Parking Permit.

The Parking Permit must indicate: Who owns the property; where at The Bodgery it is to be stored; the owner’s contact email address and/or phone number; the date when the Parking Permit expires; the date the Board of Directors approved the Parking Permit; and the signature of a Board member. Parking Permits should not be granted for longer than 30 days.

The oversize property must be stored in its designated spot at The Bodgery with the Parking Permit visibly affixed. When the Parking Permit expires, the member must either apply for a new one or immediately remove the property from The Bodgery.

7. Access

Each member is responsible for maintaining the security of his or her own keycard or fob (access credentials). If you suspect that your card or fob has been copied, please see the Board of Directors about replacing or changing it.

Access credentials may be temporarily entrusted to another person (trustee) for limited purposes, such as picking up or dropping off items or people at the space.

Such trustees are not considered members and are not allowed to use tools, host guests, store their personal property at The Bodgery, or exercise other benefits of membership simply for possessing access. Sharing or loaning access outside these limits is grounds for revocation.

A member or guest who behaves inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave the space by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate.

This document has been approved by The Bodgery Board of Directors. This document was last edited on Nov 16, 2014.

standing_rules.1439844567.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 16:01 (external edit)