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The Standing Rules

These are the policies that we operate under. Guests must follow by these guidelines, even if they are unknown - they will be made aware of any mistakes, and if they refuse to abide by them they will be asked to leave. Members agree to follow these rules at all times upon signing the Membership Form. These policies may be modified by the Board at any point through due process.

1. General

It is the responsibility of the members to come to amicable agreements of disputes over tools, space or other shop resources.

No sleeping / living in the space. (Naps are okay.)

Members must be at least 16 years of age. Members under 18 years of age must have parent/guardian consent.

2. Code of Conduct

In order to keep things civil and respectful, the Board of Directors has adopted the following guidelines for discussions on Slack, the email lists, and social media:

  • Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Keep criticism constructive.
  • Please refrain from name-calling or derogatory statements.
  • The group has no tolerance for discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation or religion.
  • Nor do we tolerate behavior considered as harassment:
    • Harassment includes offensive verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, unwanted photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • People asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
  • Any conduct that the Board determines to be offensive will be addressed and acted upon as needed per the Discipline Policy below.

Harassment should be reported to the Board via People wishing to report anonymously are encouraged to use an anonymous remailer like or

3. Safety

Safety is the top responsibility of every member and guest.

  • All members and guests are required to use appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • It is the the responsibility of every member and guest to understand the safe use of any tool or equipment before using it.
  • However, [Red-tag] tools are for member-use only, and require a class or personal instruction by the Area Captain before use. [Yellow-tag] tools require a checkout from Area Captain before use.
  • Members or guests in an affected work area should be made aware of safety rules if they are not following them (a request to put on safety equipment or relocate to avoid breathing fumes, etc).
  • Members must not allow unsafe practices by any guest or other member - it is their responsibility to speak up.

4. Guests

Any guest must be hosted by a member, whether this is a personal guest or random visitor. If the hosting member needs to leave, they must pass off their responsibility as host to another member, or ask the guest(s) to leave. No member is under obligation to host guests. Any member may host up to ten guests in the space. Two or more members may host an unlimited number of guests.

In all cases, the member(s) hosting one or more guests are responsible for:

  • Verifying that each guest has a signed waiver on file as they enter
  • Verifying that each guest has signed in
  • Making sure guests understand the guidelines under which we operate
  • Cleaning up after guests if they fail to do it themselves

If any of the following are true, the person is not allowed in the space and must leave:

  • The person is a minor and a parent/guardian of the guest has not filled out the Young Guest Waiver on his or her behalf
  • A member or guest behaving inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate.

5. Property

5.1 Bringing Property to The Bodgery

  • Do not leave any property at the Bodgery that does not fit on your storage shelf.
    • Unless you fill out a “parking permit”. (See 6.3)
  • If you want to donate/lend tools to the Bodgery, you must get prior approval from the board. (See 5.4 and 5.5)
  • Any property in The Bodgery not in member storage or tagged with a valid parking permit will be considered abandoned, and the Board of Directors reserves the right to dispense with said property in whatever manner they see fit. (See 5.2)

5.2 Handling Abandoned Property at The Bodgery Because The Bodgery must actively defend itself from clutter and unwanted property, abandoned property is treated as though the owner places no value on it and will not return to claim it. In the interest of the members of The Bodgery and their need for a clean, safe workshop, the Board of Directors will thus use or dispose of the abandoned property however it sees fit. Property is considered abandoned if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • The property is neither shared nor donated, violates the safe storage rules, has no attached Parking Permit, and has an attached Parking Ticket with an expired grace period
  • The property is in member storage and is either stored unsafely or exceeds the owning member’s plot
  • The property is owned by a former member and has not been collected within thirty days of that person’s departure from The Bodgery

5.3 Abandoned property Member property that is not stored completely in their storage space, or does not have a parking permit attached will be considered abandoned. Space permitting, abandoned property will be moved to the Hack Rack. If there is not adequate space on the Hack Rack for the abandoned property, it will first be offered to area captains and then either donated, recycled, or thrown in the trash.

Note: It is wise to label with your name anything personal you bring to and use in the space. Accidents happen and everyone forgets things occasionally. To maintain ownership of your property, please label accordingly.

5.4 Donated property Definition: The property is brought to The Bodgery by a member or guest who wants The Bodgery to become the new owner of the property. Process: Contact the Board and receive approval (PRIOR to bringing it).

5.5 Shared property

Definition: The property is brought to The Bodgery by a member (not a guest) who wants to share its usage, but not ownership of the property. The member retains ownership of the property. Process: Contact the Board and receive approval (PRIOR to bringing it). Ensure item has been documented on the Lender Log. Members removing their personally-owned shared property from The Bodgery are highly encouraged to notify the member mailing list that the property is being removed. This is both a courtesy to others and a safeguard against apparent theft.

6. Storage

6.1 Safe Storage All property at The Bodgery must be stored in a way that is safe and shows respect for members and guests in the space. Property that meets any of the following criteria will not be considered safely stored.

  • Property left on a work surface after the member or guest using it cannot be found and is presumed to have left
  • Property left on the floor, especially when it creates a trip hazard and/or obstructs a door or walkway
  • Property on a member storage shelf that protrudes more than 4”
  • Property on any shelf that protrudes more than 4”
  • Property left leaning against a wall, beam, or storage area
  • Property piled in front of a storage area
  • For property in the back parking area…
    • You must request and receive Board approval prior to leaving any items/projects in the back parking area for more than 24 hours. Board approval can be sought by emailing the Board ( or messaging the Slack #ask-the-board channel. Any items/projects left for more than 24 hours without approval or past the expiration of the Board’s approval can be removed at the member’s expense or disposed of by a Board member.
    • Any member working in the back area (or any area of the Bodgery) is required to clean up their mess. If painting, staining, or doing any type of work that will leave a stain on the pavement, please put something down on the ground to prevent stains. The dumpster often has boxes that can be used or you can use brown paper from the clean room for this. If you accidentally or purposely leave a stain please clean it up immediately. If you are not able to clean it up immediately, please notify the Board to discuss clean up.

6.2 Member Storage

Each member is entitled to one “plot” in member storage, which is a defined, limited space for keeping his or her private property, typically an allotment of member shelving. Each member must label their plot with their name and telephone number in case they need to be contacted for some reason.

Each member must keep their private property in only one plot and not exceed the physical dimensions of that plot. The only exceptions are for property tagged with a Parking Permit (see 6.3) or in the back parking area (see 6.1).

Member property that is not stored safely, not properly labeled or not in an appropriate area is both dangerous and disrespectful and is considered abandoned (see 5.2).

6.3 Parking Permits

If a member has a personal project that is difficult to transport back and forth from home and won't fit in their member storage plot, they may fill out a “Parking Permit” (found in a holder in the main project parking area). The project can be stored in a designated shared project parking area for up to 14 days with an option for a 14 day extension. This is to allow for paint/glue drying, time required to acquire sustenance, or taking short breaks between working on it. Space at the Bodgery is a valuable and limited resource, so please be considerate of others and do not store items for extended periods of time.

The stored item must have a completed “Parking Permit” physically attached to it in a visible location. The parking permit must be filled out with the owner's name, contact phone/email and the date the permit expires. When the Parking Permit expires, the member must either extend the permit by updating the expiration date or immediately remove the property from the Bodgery.

Items that have been stored more than 30 days, have expired permits, are not stored safely, not properly labeled or not in an appropriate area are both dangerous and disrespectful and will be considered abandoned (see 5.2).

7. Access

Each member is responsible for maintaining the security of his or her own keycard or fob (access credentials). If you suspect that your card or fob has been copied, please see the Board of Directors about replacing or changing it.

Access credentials may be temporarily entrusted to another person (trustee) for limited purposes, such as picking up or dropping off items or people at the space.

Such trustees are not considered members and are not allowed to use tools, host guests, store their personal property at The Bodgery, or exercise other benefits of membership simply for possessing access. Sharing or loaning access outside these limits is grounds for revocation.

A member or guest who behaves inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave the space by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate.

8. Finances

8.1 Signatories

Signatory responsibility for the Bodgery’s bank accounts resides in the President and Treasurer of the Board. Checks and purchase cards for the Bodgery’s financial accounts shall be issued only to the President and Treasurer of the Board for their exclusive use, and will be surrendered to the Board or destroyed upon their leaving office.

8.2 Purchase Authority

The Board may delegate purchase authority to any member, ad-hoc group of members, or committee on a case-by-case basis in order to expedite necessary expenditures or ensure proper upkeep of the Bodgery and its facilities.

The nature and amount of the purchase, the member or members to whom the purchase authority is delegated as an “assigned agent”, and the time frame for the purchase or expenditure must be approved by a majority vote of the board.

Purchases and expenditures made on behalf of the Bodgery may be made within the scope defined by the Board, the Treasurer must be notified after purchase, and obtain require approval in the manner of the first qualifying line:

  1. Expenditures that the board finds are necessary to the safety and security of the Bodgery and its members (such as liability insurance premiums, fire suppression equipment, security cameras, etc.) require a majority vote of the Board to be granted approval.
  2. Any expenditures more than $1,000 that are to be made by any member on the Bodgery’s behalf require a majority vote of the Board and a plurality vote of the membership to be granted approval.
  3. Expenditures more than $100, but less than $1000 that are to be made by any member on the Bodgery’s behalf require a majority vote of the Board to be granted approval.
  4. Expenditures made by area captains against their tracked balances or predetermined budgets (and within those limits) do not require prior approval, and the Treasurer must be notified after purchase.
  5. Expenditures less than $100 that are to be made by any member on the Bodgery’s behalf require prior written or email approval from either the Treasurer or President.

8.3 Reimbursements

Any member requiring reimbursement for a purchase or expenditure should send an email to with their full name, the amount requested, the date of the purchase, their desired means of reimbursement, and an attached copy of the receipt.

Upon receipt of the email, the Treasurer shall confirm that the purchase was made according to the procedures outlined above. Upon confirmation, the treasurer shall issue a reimbursement to the requesting member.

8.4 Financial transparency

The Treasurer must provide the Board with a complete and accurate financial picture of the Bodgery’s accounts at least once a month.

The Treasurer must provide the Bodgery’s membership with an up-to-date financial report at least once per calendar year. This report must include:

  1. A summary of the Bodgery’s income broken down by month and category, and
  2. A summary of the Bodgery’s expenditures broken down by month and category

8.5 Transition process

After election of a new Board, or upon the resignation of the Treasurer or President, the Board shall pass a corporate resolution transferring signatory authority for the Bodgery’s accounts to the new President and Treasurer. This resolution must be signed by all members of the Board.

The outgoing President and/or Treasurer, President-elect, and Treasurer-elect must then take the signed corporate resolution and a copy of the meeting minutes from the meeting at which the resolution was passed to any and all institutions at which the Bodgery maintains accounts in order to complete the transfer of signatory authority.

Until this transition is complete, the outgoing President and Treasurer shall maintain responsibility for financial concerns, but are required to inform the new officers and the Board of all transactions that take place and their outcome.

9. Shop Budgets and Purchase Requests

9.1 Shop Budgets

Shop budgets are defined as a monthly allowance of funds taken from the Bodgery’s general available funds to be used towards maintenance, repair, and improvement of a specific area of the shop and may be spent by specific allowed Authorized Agents.

Budget amounts will be distributed on the 1st of every month.

Budgets will be funded from the Bodgery’s preceding month’s income after all other expenses or reserves (insurance savings, e.g.). If income is less than zero, no distribution will be made. If the income is not greater than the sum amount of budgets to be distributed, then the amount available will be distributed proportionally among the allocated budget amounts. An exception to this rule may be made if a single month had a disproportionately large one-time expense; treasurer will identify an exception of this nature in the monthly report.

Budgets can be created or modified by a two-thirds vote of the board. The amount and structure of a budget will be determined by the board’s best judgement, which may include but is not limited to historical repair/maintenance costs, frequency of space utilization, availability of funds, and fairness of distribution.

Budget balances (not tracked balances) not spent before the end of the month in which they were distributed will will roll over into the area’s tracked balance.

9.2 Purchase Requests

Assigned Agents (this includes but is not limited to Board Members and Area Captains) may make purchases, or bring requests for purchases to the board.

Members with purchase requests/suggestions should first bring the topic to the appropriate Area Captain(s), or Assigned Agent(s) if it doesn’t fall under a shop area’s purview.

If members disagree with their Area Captain(s) or Assigned Agent(s) regarding the necessity of a requested purchase, they may bring the request directly to the board during the ‘member comments’ section. In addition to the above purchasing guidelines, the Board will consider the request on the additional guidelines of sufficient member support, and should seek input from the Area Captain(s) or Assigned Agents(s) as to why they initially declined to pursue the purchase.

10. Discipline Policy

Any member that violates their membership agreement shall be required to meet with two members of the board in order to discuss resolution of the issue(s) at hand. The outcome of that meeting will be referred to the board at large for their review.

Any member that violates their membership agreement a second time shall receive a formal written warning from the board via email. This email will list:

  • the time, date, and nature of the offense they have committed,
  • what part of Bodgery policy or their membership agreement they have violated,
  • the consequences of any subsequent violations, and
  • who they can contact to discuss or dispute the claims.

The email will be followed up with a phone call or in-person discussion by a board member. The results of that phone call or discussion will be referred to the board for their review. If the member cannot be reached, after at least 3 tries in one week, the email will stand as sufficient notice.

Any further violations of the membership agreement by a member will result in immediate suspension of their membership pending a vote by the board. Membership suspension shall consist of disabling a member's keyfob access to the building; prohibiting any use by the member of Bodgery tools, supplies, or equipment; prohibiting the member's unaccompanied presence in the Bodgery workshop spaces; and removing the member from the member-only mailing list. No refund of unused membership dues will be refunded, except by vote of the board. Uncollected property (after 30 days) of terminated members will become property of The Bodgery.

Involuntary termination of a member's membership shall require a majority vote of the board. Once a membership has been terminated, the person in question will be given 72 hours to arrange with the board the collection of any personal property from the Bodgery premises. Any tools belonging to the person that are on loan to the Bodgery shall be made available for pickup . Any events or classes organized by the person in question will be canceled unless another member is able to take over the class.

In the case of severe violations of the membership agreement, or in the case of criminal conduct, the board may vote to forego intermediate sanctions and suspend or terminate a membership immediately. The board also reserves the right to refer any criminal conduct by a member to law enforcement.

Any person whose membership has been terminated in the past shall not be allowed to reapply for membership to the Bodgery for a minimum period of 1 year.

11. Suspension and Recall of Board Members

The board may vote to suspend a fellow board member for abuse or neglect of their office, or violation of their membership agreement. The person's membership to the Bodgery shall not be considered as part of this vote.

The board may vote to remove its own members from office. The board vote must be ratified by a vote of the membership; any such vote must be held by a quorum of the membership in order to be considered binding. The membership of the Bodgery may also initiate a recall vote of a board member from office with a simple majority vote.

12. Ejection

If necessary, any member, though preferably with the assistance of a board member or area captain, may temporarily eject a member from the space in order to resolve any immediate health, safety, or harassment issues.

13. Bans

The board may vote to temporarily or permanently ban from the Bodgery's premises and mailing lists any person who:

  • harasses or threatens Bodgery members,
  • is caught trespassing on the Bodgery's premises,
  • engages in criminal conduct while on the Bodgery’s premises,
  • is found in violation of Bodgery policy two or more times, or
  • commits any offense determined to be valid by a 2/3rds majority vote of the board.

The board must define the term of the ban in its discussion and vote. The board may ban any person regardless of membership status with a 2/3rds majority vote.

All banned people shall be listed on the Bodgery Wiki with their name, picture, reason for their ban, the date their ban went into effect, and the timeframe of their ban. This wiki page will also be printed and posted next to the membership board in the Bodgery shop. Any member that encounters a banned person should report it to the Bodgery board immediately. The board reserves the right to refer any banned persons on the premises to law enforcement.

This document has been approved by The Bodgery Board of Directors. This document was last edited on February 19, 2019.

standing_rules.1631906430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 16:01 (external edit)