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Welcome to The Bodgery's wiki. This is where you can find just about any information on our makerspace, our community of makers, and our history. You can head back to our main website here.

General Information About The Bodgery

Our Shop and Equipment

  • Tools and Equipment - A list of our equipment and important info for each item
  • Equipment Tutorials - Tutorials and how-to guides for the equipment
  • Space Improvements - Projects that need doing for the benefit of the space
  • Wish List - Our equipment wish list - donations are welcome!
  • Library - books and magazines for your reference and reading pleasure.

Member Info

Board of Directors

  • Meeting Agendas and Notes
  • Our Bylaws

We Ownz the Internets

You can find us, tune in, add your piece, and keep in touch:

home.1407300963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 16:01 (external edit)