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Welcome to The Bodgery Makerspace! This Member Handbook contains some important and basic information that will help you at the space. If you find yourself wishing something useful to members was on the page, log in and add it!

THE BODGERY MOTTO: Be Excellent to Each Other.

The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the Bodgery.

The Area Captains manage the various shop areas.

For a listing of current board members and area captains, including email addresses, visit the Leadership page.

New Maker Checklist

To Become a Member

  1. Visit the space during Tour Hours
  2. After you’ve visited the space, and gotten to know us…
  3. Apply online for membership:

For Guests

  1. Attend public meetings and events
  2. Visit and use tools anytime a member can host/sponsor you
  3. All guests must complete the liability waiver at the front door kiosk upon their first visit.

Member-Only Online Resources


Confused by all the words people are throwing around? Take a peek at our Glossary of Terms to help decipher any unfamiliar verbiage.

Closeout Procedure

When leaving, let others know you’re leaving. If you’re the last one out, follow this closing up procedure…

  • Make sure giant overhead door is closed.
  • Check to make sure all machines are off, even if you weren't using them.
  • Turn off lights. Light switches are usually near doorways.
  • Turn off fans.
  • Make sure the door locks behind you.


The primary rules regarding guests are at: Standing Rules > Guests.

  • Any guest that enters the space must be sponsored by a member present at the space.
  • All guests must complete the liability waiver at the front door kiosk upon their first visit.
  • Every time a guest visits the space, they should sign in at the front door kiosk and list the member hosting them.
  • Any single member may host up to 10 guests. Any two members may host as many guests as fire codes allow.
  • Guests are permitted to use most tools if they've been checked off to use them. See the Tools and Equipment page for a list of the member-only tools.
  • Guests may not leave projects or materials in the space, unless they have received specific permission from a Board Member.
  • Minors must have a Minor Consent Form signed by their parent or guardian prior to entering the space.
  • Minors must also have an adult present as legal or acting guardian.
  • Minors must be supervised by parent or acting guardian during visits. See FAQ for details.


  • We post all our events, recurring or one-off, on our Events Page.
  • Any member may host a class, meetup, workshop, party, etc. as long as they follow the Classes or Events rules. Nonmembers may also host classes. Members may also have group get-toghethers as long it's not bothering other people and it's meeting the Guest requirements.


  • Some tools are owned by members and are on loan to the Bodgery. Members may loan tools to the Bodgery only with prior approval from the appropriate Area Captain. Any lent tool should have the name of its owner on it.
  • Non-members may donate tools but may not loan them to the Bodgery.
  • Decisions about accepting tool loans and donations are at the discretion of Area Captains and/or the Board.
  • Many tools require Bodgery training to use. See Tools and Equipment for details.
  • Guests are permitted to use most tools but not “red” members-only tools. See the Tools and Equipment page for a list of members-only tools.
  • If you break a tool, please, Please, PLEASE tell an area captain or board member and/or leave a note on the tool. We'd rather know so we can take care of it, rather than find it next time someone needs to use it.


  • Because the Bodgery is maintained by its members, individual members have some responsibilities regarding consumables.
  • Members and guests may use consumables (nuts, screws, paper, yarn, etc.) in reasonable amounts. This policy is intended for use in small amounts, emergency/immediacy needs, and to use up odds and ends that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • If you use more than a small amount of a consumable or the last of a consumable, please either replace it, or donate an appropriate amount and notify an area captain or board member so that the item may be replenished.
  • Leftover consumables may be put away in an organized manner for other members' use.
  • Some tools have a consumables fee. For example:
    • Laser Cutter ($10 per laser hour, i.e. while the laser is active)
    • Vinyl Cutter ($2 per sq ft)
    • 3D printers ($0.06/gram for Bodgery filament, $0.03/gram for your own filament)
  • If you break a saw blade, sewing machine needles, etc., please Please PLEASE tell an area captain and/or leave a note on the machine and/or or replace the item. You are not required to replace these, but it is appreciated.


The primary rules regarding storage are at: Standing Rules > Property and Standing Rules > Storage.

  • One of the membership perks is a unit of storage for your personal tools, projects, materials, etc. Anything located within this space is not available to other members or guests.
  • Storage space is located in the Annex. As part of membership, each member may use one shelf space OR one locker at no additional cost. If you occupy a storage space, it must be labeled with your name and contact info.
  • Additional storage space may be rented. For details sign into your membership account and look for Add-on Storage.
  • If you stop membership and have storage, remove your material and your name/phone-number from the storage space(s). Any items left by a former member may be disposed of at the discretion of the Bodgery.

Parking Your Project

The primary rules regarding project parking are at: Standing Rules > Property and Standing Rules > Storage.

If a member has a personal project that won't fit in their storage area, but is difficult to transport back and forth from home, they may fill out a “Parking Permit” and store their project in the public Project Parking area for up to 14 days.

Items with expired permits will be considered “abandoned property”.

Abandoned Property

The primary rules regarding project parking are at: Standing Rules > Property.

Member property that is not stored completely in their storage space or does not have a parking permit attached will be considered abandoned. Abandoned property will disposed of at the discretion of the Bodgery.

Note: It is wise to label with your name anything personal you bring to and use in the space. Accidents happen and everyone forgets things occasionally. To maintain ownership of your property, please label accordingly.

Dues Payment

Membership rates can be found here.

Payments are made using the Bodgery Membership System

Member Privileges

All members have these rights and privileges:

  • A key fob giving 24/7 access to the building.
  • Access to all tools and training.
  • The right to host up to 10 guests alone or any number of guests with another member present.
  • May host classes or events in the space.
  • A dedicated shelf space or locker for member storage.
  • Use of the facility to build projects.


  • The Bodgery a a member-run volunteer organization. There are no full-time or part-time staff. The restrooms are the only area cleaned by an outside service.
  • Each member is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and helping to maintain the space.
  • Cleaning supplies and trash bags are available next to the restrooms by the overhead door.
  • Every member is responsible for taking trash and recycling out to the bins outside behind the building.
  • Please use the shop sink for any heavy duty cleaning. The bathroom sinks should only be used for light cleaning.
  • Wash any and all dishes and utensils you use. There is a drying rack in the kitchen for cleaned items. They should be put away in the drawers and cabinets when dry.
  • If the floors look dirty, please sweep (and mop if necessary).
  • Pick up any trash and throw it away.
  • If a trash can is full, take out the bag and place it in the large trash bin out back. Please put a new trash bag in the trash can.
  • Do not adjust room thermostats.


  • There are first aid kits located around the shop and outside the bathroom.
  • There are multiple fire extinguishers in the shop.
  • Depending on the type of issue, reach out on Slack, DM a board member or area captain, or call 911. The address is 740 Oscar Ave, Madison.

Food and Beverage

  • The Bodgery has a full-size fridge and food preparation equipment for member use.
  • Dishes and utensils are available in the kitchen, but must be washed and returned before leaving.
  • The vending machines are stocked by member volunteers.
  • Personal food may be kept in the fridge and freezer as long as it is labeled with owner's name and date that it was placed.
  • As always, please clean up after yourself.

Alcohol Policy

  • Members and guests may bring alcohol into the space. Anyone consuming alcohol must be 21 or older.
  • Once someone consumes alcohol, they are prohibited from using power tools.
  • Events welcoming alcohol should state so in the event description. (i.e. BYOB)
  • Anyone found to be belligerent or conducting in misconduct in the Bodgery as a result of alcohol consumption may be ejected from the space.

Media Systems

  • The classroom has a 1080p projector. Use your device with the HDMI cable or use the computer that's there.
  • The clean room has a TV with a Chromecast/Roku available for member use. It may be used for presentations, meet ups, events, or personal entertainment.

Web Presence

  • We have two Google Group mailing lists - Mad City Makers (general) and Bodgery Members (members only). You can adjust your settings for the frequency that you receive emails (daily digest, etc), but please stay on the members-only list for important announcements.
  • We post classes and events on our Events Page.
  • Get an account for the Bodgery wiki (this website). Email

Social Media Sites


The Bodgery is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. For physical donations, email For monetary donations there is also a Donation Page.

member_handbook.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/04 23:00 by mpickhard