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Board of Directors and Leadership

In May 2015 we held our first elections for our Board of Directors. Many thanks to the Founding Board for all their hard work getting us through the first year! To contact the board, email

The current Board of Directors is:

The Bodgery also has an Advisory Board of community leaders and experienced makers to keep us tied to our mission and the larger community - Madison, statewide, and nationally. JT Smith is the Director's liaison to the Advisory Board.

The makerspace has Area Champions/Warlords who oversee the activities in each of our many areas.

  • CNC: James Pittman
  • Wood Shop: Ben Rogers
  • Metal Shop: Mike Rousonelos
  • Electronics Lab: Timm Murray
  • Craft Meadow: Dawn Chute
leadership.1433459799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 16:01 (external edit)